Speaking Engagements
Outreach Program
Outreach Program
Outreach is about meeting and talking to people. This is one of my favourite parts of the job – engaging people, and sharing my passion for education, history, and science. So, I would love the opportunity to talk to you about what ever you are interested in. If our passions align, let’s talk!
Bookings for speaking engagements are currently being made through my personal website - www.sallyhurst.com.au

What a Session with Sally look like?
Science Sessions: Things I can talk all day about!

What people are saying!
How I got here
Macquarie University
Student (2017 - present)
In 2020 I graduated from MQ with a bachelor of Arts, majoring in Ancient Egyptian Archaeology, and a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Palaeobiology. At the moment I am completing my Masters of Research in Biological Sciences. This degree has given me a whole lot of knowledge about things I love and things that I would love to share with you.
Australian Museum
Tour Guide & Educator (2018 - present)
This position has fostered my love for science communication and community engagement. As a tour guide, I was able to do considerable research and content creation of a wide range of science, history, wildlife and other topics and presentations - experience of which I’ll definitely be using for my presentations with you!
Future Students - Macquarie University
Student Ambassador (2019 - present)
This job has allowed me to develop my communication and presentation skills, both for in person and online interactions. This has been one of my favourite jobs, and has encouraged me to be a passionate advocate for education, especially for female students from a rural background (like me!).
Harding Miller Education Foundation
Coach & Mentor (2020 – present)
This amazing foundation gives scholarships to high achieving girls from a disadvantaged background, and provides them with the means to be successful during high school and beyond. Through this program, I support several girls through their high school studies and provide any information about accessing higher education that they might want!
National Indigenous Science Education Program
Program Facilitator (2019-2020)
This incredible program aims to provide outreach initiatives and education opportunities to schools and communities that don’t always have access to materials or labs. I was lucky enough to help facilitate and lead science programs and fun experiments at schools, universities and community events.
National Dinosaur Museum
Tour Guide, Social Media Manager, Exhibitions Assistant (2014-2019)
Being a tour guide here was one of my favourite jobs over the years. Dinosaurs are something that continue to capture the imagination of the public, and I love sharing my weird and wonderful knowledge about them. This role allowed me to engage with the community through creative, fun, and interactive tours and programs that I got to create.
Check out presenting I’ve done before!
STEMterview - Jurassic Park has a lot to answer for
In this interview with Dr Sarah Wettstadt from STEMcognito, I got to chat about my research, my career in science so far, and the role of Jurassic Park in science communication to the public.
Macquarie Open Day 2020 Hosting
In 2020, Macquarie University’s Open Day was streamed live for over 8 hours and over 14 stages. I had the immensie pleasure of hosting the Faculty of Arts stage, and got to interview and chat to many of our professors and academics about why students should pick MQ as their future university.
What is the difference between a fossil and an artefact?
Want to know the difference between a fossil and an artefact? What about the difference between palaeontology and archaeology? These things are often confused, so take a look at this video to learn the difference between the two!